Rachel Bublitz


Stills from filming THE FANTASY CLUB Kickstarter video

June 3, 2013

Yesterday we assembled a rag-tag team to film the Kickstarter video for The Fantasy Club (coming August 2nd-11th to the The Alcove Theater in San Francisco!) and it was a blast! The video will be released later this month, but to whet your appetite, here are two still photos taken yesterday:

Picture of Allison Page, Siobhan Doherty, and Rob Dario.

Photo of Allison Page, playing Barb our hilarious phone sex operator and Siobhan Doherty and Rob Dario under the covers.

Picture of author.

Another photo of Allison Page!

Both photos courtesy Robert Reeves.

There are a lot more photos, equally sexy/funny to these… And the video will be even better. Make sure to check back as we get closer and more footage is released!

And, as usual, if you're enjoying this post on facebook, click through to see the awesome photos.


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