Rachel Bublitz


#postplays, Plays In 256 Characters Or Less

July 25, 2013

31 Plays in 31 Days starts LESS than a week. What am I doing in while I wait for August 1st? Well, honestly like 1,000 things… But one of those things is warming up for the challenge on app.net. For the next 5 days playwrights will be writing one #postplay a day and then posting them onto app.net. These are plays with 256 characters or less (and I'm talking about letters and punctuations, not the people that are in the play). There have been some great plays posted so far, you should check them out! Here's mine from today:

Giraffe: Did you hear? We're getting another panda.

Lion: (Roars) Are you kidding me?

G: Once there's a baby, we're screwed.

L: I don't get it. Why are pandas so damn popular?

G: They're fat and lazy, people like the familiar, you know?


The funny thing is that I've had the idea for this play FOR OVER A YEAR! Yeah, so there's that. Anyway, if you're interested in flexing your writing muscles and seeing what all the fuss is about #postplays, here's how you can do it:

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