Rachel Bublitz


Terrible People

July 13, 2012

Scene nights are amazing. Yesterday I was ripping up and starting my script over, and over, and over again. I was in a trap, that looked endless and hopeless. I was about to give up on the script altogether, but I took what I had to Play Cafe, and after hearing it read aloud from the talented actors present, and the feedback from my fellow playwrights I was set free! I wanted to stay up all night writing (I didn't), but since it's a preschool day, I banged out the WHOLE SCRIPT! That's right, oooh, oooh. It has some troubles still, I'm not going to lie. The ending is insane, and I'm sure there are moments of drag, but I have a first draft of my one act play and I feel pretty good about it. So good, that I'd love for you folks to tell me what I did wrong! Email me, and I'll send you the script. Let me know what you think!

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