Rachel Bublitz


New Teaching Adventure

February 7, 2017

The contract has been signed, tons of paperwork filled out, I even taught a class this morning, and so I finally am comfortable spilling the beans in which I've been scared I'd somehow jinx; I'm the newest adjunct professor for Weber State University! One of their professors couldn't finish the semester, and so I was asked to step in and (pretty much) save the day. The class I'll be teaching is an Introduction to Theater class, and I'll be doing a lot of learning on my feet. Today wasn't too rough, but we mostly did playwriting exercises, something I have some experience in. I plan on teaching them the Liz Lerman Method of Response (thank you Michelle Carter and Brian Thorstenson!), and a lot of other things which involve theater and plays and all that good stuff (give me a break I was hired five days ago). Learning! So much learning! Hopefully not just me learning!

And this isn't changing any of my previously stated goals, still writing 6 plays this year. I'll just be a whole lot more busy than I had originally planned.

I'm also teaching a night class twice a month to Egyptian Theatre Junior Conservatory, so party party!

I'm pretty sure that I've got this, but I'll report back by the end of April. Hey, good thing I got those graduate degrees! And if anyone out there has teaching advice please, please, please send it my way.

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