Rachel Bublitz


Final Week of RIPPED at Z Space! We Must Close the 15th!

June 11, 2019

Tomorrow will kick of the final week of RIPPED at Z Space! That means you only have FOUR chances left to see (or re-see) this groundbreaking new play. Don't just listen to me on the matter though…

From playwright and co-founder of Those Women Productions, Carol Lasof:

"I was still thinking about it this morning - even before I got your email. I found Lucy to be a very engaging and well-drawn character. She convincingly embodies the challenges facing a young woman in this particular - liberal and still misogynistic - place and time. Excellent production! Even with the complex time shifts, the story is clear and riveting. Brilliant use of costumes to let us know immediately where we are in time and in the evolution of Lucy's psychological state.”

And playwright Jeremy Cole:

"This is the play “Oleanna” should have been: a tale about how fraught and tangled the issues surrounding consent can be. It's difficult to discuss the play without spoilers, so I'll leave it that the author has done a lovely job of spreading suspicion, blame and guilt among her three characters, until what many consider a black-and-white issue is instead many, many shades of gray. It's rare that a play's ending shocks me, but I literally gasped. Beautiful work from all - actors, director, designers and especially playwright.”

So grab a friend, and get those tickets. This play needs to be seen and you ONLY have through Saturday to see it. For tickets: www.zspace.org/rippedshow.

Happy theatre-going!

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