Rachel Bublitz


Monthly Submission Update

February 21, 2012

Alright folks, here's your monthly update on my submission tallies. For this year, I have 37 total submissions, bringing my total up to 98. Of those submissions, I've been rejected 20 times, accepted 3 times, and 1 maybe. A lot of theatres only notify you if you've been selected, so more than likely I have quiet a few rejections. I'll light a candle though, and hope to hear something until that no longer makes sense. I got my first mailed rejection a few days ago, from The Eugene O'Neil Theatre Conference. I had submitted “The Fantasy Club” months before it even had a third act, so I'm not surprised. I look forward to submitting again next year, I'm setting aside the play I was working out with the working title of “My Women” I reached a dead end on that road. Currently I'm working on a full length that has potential to be very funny. It has no title yet, I'm finishing up the first draft of Act I now. Curious? Shoot me an email, I love to get feedback!

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