Rachel Bublitz


Submission Tally

May 22, 2012

So, as of today my submission tally for 2012 is 58. Considering we're almost half way through the year and I haven't reached the half way mark on my goal of 150 I'm realizing that I need to force myself to submit more. If I don't submit my work it won't get done. There might be a day that I can just let all of my adoring fans come to me and demand scripts, but until that day I've got to write cover letters and get all the paperwork and order and send scripts out. Today I'm submitting to three theatres, I'm especially excited about The North Park Playwright Festival. I'm from San Diego, and it would be awesome to have a play in a festival my family could go and see without buying plane tickets.

Have you heard of playwrightbinge? I mention it because they do biannual submission binges, where you submit a play a day for the month of March and September. So far I haven't had enough work to submit every single day, but I'm thinking that after 31 plays in 31 Days, I'll be able to participate 100% this September! That'll boost my numbers for sure! If you're a playwright, you should check out the group. They send out a lot of submission opportunities.

Alright, that's all for today. I'm going back to editing and submitting. Enjoy your Tuesday!

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