There are 13 days left in the year, crazy, right? I thought this would be a good time to look back on my goals set last year and see how I stack up. On January 2nd, I declared my goals in a post titled, Submissions… Here it is:
"Looking to 2012 I have some goals (not resolutions). I want to complete another full length play and 4 more short or one act plays. I want to make it to 150 submissions, and I’d like 10 theatres or publishers to use my work. I would also like to read one play a week.”
Let's start with submissions… I wanted to submit a total of 150 times and I…. (insert drumroll)… Submitted a total of 168 times! Woohoo, I made it! I received a total of 54 rejections last year, and 11 theatres/festivals have selected my work (1 over my goal!).
As far as writing, as you know I wrote a whole lot more than just 4 new short plays (I wrote over 31!), probably around 40, and I completed a draft of a full length (My Sister's Baby).
Reading I have not kept up with a new play a week, I admit. I did read over 90 plays in October though… Does that even me out? Hmmm… I wonder.
Anyway, looking at all of this, I'm incredibly pleased with myself and how hard I'm pushing myself. I hope to be more productive next year… Stay tuned for my goals for 2013 (probably posted in early January).