Last night my terrific cast (Siobhan Doherty, Tavis Kammet, Claire Rice, Rob Dario) read the updated script of The Fantasy Club! What a blast. The new draft is so good guys, I am extremely proud of my script, and I am so happy with my cast and crew. This show is going to be fantastic!
SO! If you haven't donated yet, do! You'll get to be a part of this great show, and it'll make you feel oh so good. Here's the link:
On that subject, huge thank you to the fabulous Marissa Skudlarek for her donation! We couldn't do it without you…
No, we seriously cannot do it without you guys… Only $1,723 to go! And as we raise more money, we will release more funny… That's right, more videos and pictures to make you crack up all over the place. So throw us a bone… And tell your friends to do the same! #thefantasyclub!