Rachel Bublitz


Let Megan Cohen Haunt Your Smartphone This Month #13Pennies

October 2, 2013

There's this fantastic smartphone art project happening all month, and YOU should know about it. Megan Cohen, master playwright, and artistic mega-mind presents you with 13 Pennies, an art project that will spook the pants off of you.

What I find so smart about this project is that typically smartphones and other technologies similar to them, are often seen as pulling people apart. Megan is using this very tool (that 99% of us carry around in their pocket every day) to bring art to the people. Bringing people together in a shared experience, exploiting the smartphone in the sake of art. What could be more resourceful or creative than that?

If you want to learn more about the lady behind the haunt, see the new profile Theatre Bay Area recently wrote up on her: http://www.theatrebayarea.org/editorial/Keep-an-Eye-On-Megan-Cohen.cfm

The other artists involved are also heavy hitters, check it out:

"Created by Megan Cohen, Alani Foxall, Claire Rice, Sam Bertken, Siobhan Doherty and Sarah Moser, this interactive adventure puts a ghost in your phone. Get haunted all through October, leading up to Halloween!”

And here's the facebook event page for 13 Pennies: https://www.facebook.com/events/565931010151811/

Seriously, I am a HUGE wimp when it comes to scary things, but I put my money in and signed up because I think supporting art like this is something we have to do. And, the trailer looks amazing. Check that out here: http://www.betterthantelevision.com/2013/07/31/13-pennies/

It costs $15.50, and you can sign up throughout the month. So get on it! NOW!

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