Rachel Bublitz


Just Sent In My First PlayGround Script

October 14, 2013

THE SKIN OF OUR TEETH, was announced Friday as PlayGround‘s first topic in the 2013/2014 Monday Night Reading Series. I wrote my first play Friday afternoon, after a great deal of thought and care…. But then, Friday evening roles around and I scrapped the whole thing after reading this infuriating article (PS, if you're reading this via FB, click through for links!).

I read that, got mad, and started writing. After a few hours I realized that this new play (now titled The Most Important), was the script I needed to focus on, and focus on it, I did! I have had five generous souls read and give me feedback on the script, gone through a half-dozen drafts (give or take), and then boom! Done. Or as done as I'll be in the next day. I have until 2pm tomorrow, but since I have class, and since I am extremely paranoid that I might someone forget to send my script in, I sent it in tonight. I really love how the play came together too, and I have to say, regardless if it is selected for next Monday's reading, I sent in something I feel great about. And what more can you really ask for, right?

So cross your fingers, and cross your toes that The Most Important by Rachel Bublitz is in the line-up this coming Monday!

I will be there on Monday (10/21) for PlayGround‘s first reading, if I get in our not, AND YOU SHOULD BE TOO! I very much hope to see you there!

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