I had new headshots taken by the amazing photographer Vanessa Menendez while she was visiting Salt Lake City earlier this month. I was nervous as hell, I'm not a huge fan of getting headshots taken. For those of you who've never done it, it's a lot of holding your body and face in weird and uncomfortable positions but trying to keep your face looking relaxed and I try as I might, I usually just look weird and uncomfortable. I also don't know how to do make-up, or my hair, or any of the things people tend to do for headshots, so all around I'm not the best subject for headshot taking. And while I warned Vanessa about all of this in advance, she told me I was crazy and that'd she'd figure it out. And she did! She really really did! In fact I had so many great headshots to chose from I couldn't select one for my free edit. In fact, I would have been happy having twenty or so edited because there are so many great shots to chose from.
If you're ever in need of a headshot, I can't recommend Vanessa Menendez more. She's between websites now, but if you're interested email me, and I'll put you in touch with her.
And now, without further ado…. My new headshots!