Rachel Bublitz


Starting Final Play: 30 DAYS OF CHRISTMAS

December 7, 2017

Time to start my sixth and final play for the year! I'm so tired! I just want to drink hot chocolate and wrap presents and never use my brain again! But, goals! And I've been wanting to write this play for a while.

SO, my sixth and final play, 30 DAYS OF CHRISTMAS (working title, but I really like it, so maybe it'll stick), will take place at a discount retail shop (like Target) between Black Friday and Christmas Eve- which is (at least for this year) a thirty day period. It's going to be an ensemble play with eight characters (5F, 3M) and be about the spirit of the holidays and mass consumerism and alienation… Or at least that's what I'm going for. Right now I have this wild and crazy idea that it'll be 30 scenes long- one for each day. That might be a terrible idea, but it sounds challenging and I do love a good challenge.

Okay! Writing time! Let's go!

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