Rachel Bublitz


Actors for REACH Reading of BURST this Saturday at the Utah Shakespeare Festival

July 31, 2018

BURST reading with REACH at the Utah Shakespeare Festival graphic.

More to announce! I have the actors signed on for this Saturday night's reading of BURST with REACH at the Utah Shakespeare Festival!

Sharing their acting talents for this very first public reading of BURST, I am so lucky to have:
Daria Redus
Veronica Otim
Isabella Abel-Suarez
Colleen Baum (stage directions)

Here's the synopsis for BURST:

"On the brink of her next round of funding, Sarah Boyd, Founder and CEO of Tactix, must hold her company together through a pesky journalist's questions and glaring doubts thrown her way surrounding the promises her company has made. It's a heavy load, and Sarah knows that she is the only one great enough to bear it.”

The reading is at 11pm (after both of the main stage shows) on Saturday August 4, and will take place at IG Winery.

I very much hope to see you there!

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