Rachel Bublitz


Buzz Buzz Buzz, Busy Busy Week

September 16, 2019

Hoo-boy do I have a week ahead of me! RIPPED opens with Good Company Theatre on Friday, I'm driving back and forth from Ogden, Utah a total of FOUR times, I have table readings of THE NIGHT WITCHES AND a new bonus reading of FUNNY, LIKE AN ABORTION (which I need to rewrite by Wednesday…. so lots of rewrites too!), emails to write, getting ready for my upcoming trip to UC Davis for the BURST performances, teaching my classes, and on top of all of this I'm expected to also be a human and eat, sleep, and take care of my kiddos. Oy!

Crossing my fingers I can get all this done so that next week I can jump head-first into a mountain of submissions. Because, after all, submission season is upon us!

AND, and, and, after all of that, and submissions, I have another brand new full-length play to write, which I will be spilling the beans on soon.

Okay! Time to get it done.

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