One of the best parts of getting a play published is that it starts to have a life of its own. You don't have to answer all the production requests or paperwork or contracts, you can just sit back and check in to see what's new (or not!). It is very exciting, and laid back, and wonderful. Not constantly working for your work is a beautiful luxury.
This month, for example, CHEERLEADERS VS. ALIENS is having a total of THREE productions all around the country! I am so pumped to have young actors picking up this script, and hopefully, having all the fun with it. Curious about where the show will be? For this November, CHEERLEADERS VS. ALIENS is playing at:
- Wicomico Middle School in Salisbury, Maryland
- Elk Valley High School in Longton, Kansas
- Carmel High School in Carmel, Indiana
So far there are two productions booked for 2020, if you'd like to add your school or group to the growing list, please head on over to Pioneer Drama Service and order a script, preview, or just go straight to licensing the play!
And please, feel free to share with any theater teacher that's searching for something new and funny. Happy Tuesday!