Rachel Bublitz


November Submission Mission Total

December 1, 2017

Slightly anti-climatic, as I'm in the middle of my last-ten-submission countdown, but let's tabulate and calculate and add up all those tally marks (yes, that's my super scientific method for adding up my submissions) for my November #SubmissionMission total!…..

For the month of November I sent out 29 total submissions!! Just one shy of one per day, but adding that to my submissions for the rest of the year, I'm up to 397, as noted yesterday in my countdown post.


Will I make it? Um, I'm betting on yes. Now I'm wondering how much past 400 submissions I can hit. But, for the last month of the year, I've got a pretty full plate, so we'll have to wait and see… I've got two plays that need new drafts (BURST and HAPPILY), a whole brand new play to crank out (my final play of my six play plan for 2017!), and all the grading and teaching stuff I have to do too…. I'll need to stay very hydrated.

Happy December folks!

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